Schedule registration and fundraising reports to be emailed to you at certain times such as hourly, daily, monthly, etc
We understand that timely reports are critical to running a successful event. Whether it's a daily registration report, payment summary, or bibs for the timer, you need accurate real-time data.
The Report Scheduler is a tool that lets you specify reports to be emailed to you at certain times such as hourly, daily, monthly, etc. This is useful, for example, if you want to get a daily report of all new registrations delivered to you rather than having to login and run the report.
Very easy, once you have an account and login, simply click the link New Report from the Report Scheduler screen and enter the options for the report you'd like to schedule.
A link to the report is emailed to you. And when setting up the report you can enter multiple email addresses to send the report to others.
When you setup a report, you have the following options for running and delivering reporst:
When a report that you schedule is run, you receive an email with a link to the report. Simply click on the link in the email to view the report. In addition, reports that are run are also listed in Report Scheduler under the Reports Completed link.
The format of the report depends on which report you schedule. The majority of reports are delivered in a comma-separated text file (csv) and can be easily opened in Excel.