Virtually every running event has bibs for each participant. Assigning bib numbers and getting bibs printed is an integral process of event management and can be very tedious and time consuming.

Running Guru offers a Bib Sequence service to help streamline this process.

How Does Bib Sequencing Work?

The process is very simple. When participants register for your event, they are assigned a bib number. The number they are assigned is based on the Bib Sequence you setup.

How Do I Setup a Bid Sequence?

  1. Login to your account and edit your event
  2. Click "Registration Details" and then "Bib Numbers"
  3. Click "+ New Bib Sequence" to create a new bib sequence.

How Are Bib Sequences Linked to Registration Categories?

After you setup your bib sequences, when you add or edit a registration category you will see a drop-down called "Bib Sequence". Select the bib sequence you'd like to use for this registration category. When participants register and choose this category, the bib sequence is used to assign their bib number.


Let's say you setup a Registration Category called "10 k" and you want bib numbers to start at 1000 and increment by 1. You create a Bib Sequence, call it something like "10 k Sequence", set the start number to 1000 and the increment to 1. Then edit your 10k Registration Category and in the Bib Sequence drop down select "10 k Sequence".

When people register for your 10k, the first registrant will get bib 1000, the second 1001, the third 1002 and so on.

What If I Have Multiple Registration Options for My Event?

Let's say you have a 10k with options for Kids, Adult, and Senior. And let's say the price increases as the event gets closer. Not a problem. When you set up each 10k registration category, make sure and assign the same bib sequence to each category.

In the above example, you would select "10k Sequence" for every 10k registration category. That way, each registrant will be assigned the next bib number in that sequence.

How Do I Get a Report of Bib Numbers?

You can get the bib number in Event Registration, Reports, All Registrations, Export to Excel the bib numbers are included as a column of data.